By Kenneth Woo

We are entering the final week of entries and welcome your last minute submissions, comments, and additional notes. We are starting to see some great stories develop and are pleased with this group endeavor. We do want to guide you to the finish line however with a few comments and suggestions.

Your logline is the most important part of the submission. You must try to get us (and eventually an audience) to want to know more. Choose a concept that is easy to express in a sentence; if that’s hard for you to do, you may be working on a low-concept idea.

We are seeing some good writing in your script pages, but notice that the concept isn’t always expressed in the pages you’ve selected. Choose your pages wisely.

For this project, we’d prefer that you steer away from romantic comedies (guy meets girl, something keeps them apart, they end up together). Romance in a comedy is fine, but it should be a subplot, not the main plot.

lionsgate makingcomedy sm direct Concept Notes from the Lionsgate Team - 1

 Alex Barkaloff Writer, Producer
 Lisa Ellzey Producer
 John Sacchi Producer

We are looking forward to your latest submissions. This is the week to give it you’re all!