Food Poisoning: When a fly lands on your plate, a question arises: Is the food contaminated? What happens when a fly lands on food? A team of American researchers decided to investigate the matter. The researchers first asked the respondent: If you are in a restaurant, what would make you stop eating: if you find ants, flies, cockroaches, or rodents? 60% of participants responded to cockroaches. Yet, flies on food can also pose a serious health hazard. Indeed, scientists have discovered that flies are capable of spreading bacteria and germs much faster than any other insect.

Food Poisoning: How did the scientists come to this conclusion?

Flies feed on everything they find: garbage, dead animals, or excrements, like fruit and vegetables! Furthermore, it is important to note that flies do not have the ability to chew. Flies spit directly on the food enzymes that dissolve the food to swallow it directly. Scientists concluded that the organism of this insect could contain several viruses and bacteria because of its hygiene and diet. These can easily spread and end up in our food. In addition to feeding, scientists also discovered that the legs of flies contained a large number of bacteria due to the nature of their diet.

In addition, several studies have shown that flies can also transmit highly dangerous contagious diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, and diarrhea. How can this happen? Keep in mind that flies feed on everything, feed on open wounds of animals, food contaminated with typhoid fever, or feces that may contain cholera-causing bacteria. The flies can then end up on your food and infect it without you realizing it. Therefore, it is necessary to cover its food so that the flies do not touch it. If this is the case, get rid of this food as it can be dangerous for your health.

Food Poisoning: when a fly lands on your food ,stop eating - HealthyEve

Food Poisoning: when a fly lands on your food ,stop eating - HealthyEve

Food Poisoning: A tip to get rid of flies

To avoid flies landing on your food, pour apple cider vinegar into a glass jar and cover it with a food film and make small holes over it. This trick will attract the flies there. To prevent flies from entering your home, mix garlic powder with cinnamon and powdered Cayenne pepper. Sprinkle this mixture in different places like the edges of windows, the result is immediate.

Food Poisoning: when a fly lands on your food ,stop eating - HealthyEve