You might actually wonder like most of people do about the kind of your skin and how to take good care of it. A lot of people have a lot of skin problems and have no idea how to prevent or get rid of them. I’ll try to give you some advices could work for all skin types or most of them at least. These things won’t affect negatively on the skin even if it didn’t work as we hope.

make up
First of all you can begin with preventing the sun damage on your skin as it has a bad effect on all kinds of skin. No matter what your skin type is, you should put a good and high quality moisturizing sunscreen lotion on your skin at day time before going out, then you can choose also a high quality make up to apply on the sunscreen and doesn’t have any organic materials that could disaffect the sunscreen or incorporate with it and brings a negative effect. You can avoid all that if you used the sunscreen as a base and just apply the eye make up and lipstick.

make up
The 2nd thing you can do is to use natural ingredients to take care of your skin such as olive oil, eggs oil, honey, yogurt and cucumbers. All these natural elements could be very useful to your skin. You can also make masks from these ingredients and say good by to any thing could cause damage to your skin.

You can also do some things help your complexion to look bright in the morning by just following some healthy habits not for only the skin but for the whole body which reflect on your skin as well. These habits include sleeping well at night from 6-8 hours a day at least. You should also eat food rich with vitamins such as vitamin B , C and others which are in a lot of kinds of food especially vegetables and fruits.
The last thing you should do is cleaning your skin with natural things like water flower liquid which is 100% free of acids which cause damage to the skin and could be found at some kinds of soaps. If you want to use soap, you can use the one which have milk and natural oils. These won’t cause damage on your skin even if it was the sensitive skin type.
