Do you dream of getting huge muscles to look attractive and catch others’ attention? Do you think that achieving this dream seems to be impossible? Do you think that it is tiring and requires spending a lot of money and waiting for a long time to get the desired results? It may be true but there are simple ways that allow you to easily get huge muscles without the need to waste your money or tire yourself for a long time.

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways that allow you to achieve your goal is using dumbbells. You can easily purchase dumbbells and save the money that you waste on a gym membership. Purchasing dumbbells will not just help you to save money, but also will save the time that you waste at the gym or health clubs. You can use your dumbbells at anytime you want according to your needs, but how are you going to start using them to build huge muscles? Let’s discover more about using dumbbells to easily get huge muscles while being at home.

1. Decide your goals

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At first and before doing anything, you have to decide your goals and specify the muscles that you want to be bigger. There are several dumbbell exercises such as bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, and extensions, back reverse fly, calf raises, standing side bends, dumbbell crunches and more dumbbell exercises from which you can choose what satisfies your needs. Specifying the muscles that you need to get bigger will help you to decide the most appropriate dumbbell exercises that allow you to achieve your goal.

2. Start learning doing the exercises that you chose

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After choosing the most appropriate dumbbell exercises for you and your muscles, you have to start learning how to do them properly to be able to achieve the desired results. You have to master each dumbbell exercise to make it effective, or you will find yourself wasting time and exerting a huge effort without getting anything and you may also increase the risks of injury.

3. Use light weight dumbbells

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In order to make it easy for you to learn doing each dumbbell exercise properly, start learning slowly while using light weight dumbbells until you master the exercises. This will help you to get the best results when you move to using heavier dumbbells.

4. Let it get a rest

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Specify the days on which you are going to do your exercises but you have to be aware of the importance of resting your muscles. Giving your muscles the chance to rest before being used again will help them to grow since muscles only grow during taking a rest and not while tiring them during training. Resting each muscle should be for at least 24 hours to encourage the muscle-building process that you want to achieve.

5. Start your own program

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In order to get big muscles, you have to design a special program that includes many repetitions ranging from 10 to 12 and the sets range from 3 to 5 with short rest periods that come between 30 and 90 seconds between sets.

6. Stress the muscle until it becomes exhausted

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In order to encourage the process of building your muscles, you need to stress them and keep training until they become exhausted by the final rep of the final set according to the program that you designed before. You should not lose the perfect form until the end of the final rep and if you lost it finding yourself unable to complete all the reps with perfect form because your muscles are completely exhausted, then this means that you use too much weight while training and need to reduce it. You will need to use more weight if you find that you still have the ability to do more reps with perfect form.

7. Avoid bad eating habits

Following bad eating habits will not allow you to encourage the process of building muscles and this is why you have to eat what helps in muscle repair and recovery and what allows your body to get the needed energy. You can also take supplements that help in providing your body with what it needs but they are not enough to be taken alone without a proper diet.

♦ A proper diet should include lean protein that can be found in low fat yogurt and egg whites and complex carbohydrates that exist in whole-wheat toast and oatmeal.

♦ A proper diet should include lean protein that can be found in low fat yogurt and egg whites and complex carbohydrates that exist in whole-wheat toast and oatmeal.

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foods since they affect the immune system and glucose levels in your body.” width=”866″ height=”768″ /> ♦ Keep away from eating sugary and white processed foods since they affect the immune system and glucose levels in your body.
♦ Do not eat large meals throughout the day. Eating small meals several times per day, from 5 to 6 meals per day, will help you to get a stable supply of fuel throughout the day for building your muscles.

♦ Do not eat large meals throughout the day. Eating small meals several times per day, from 5 to 6 meals per day, will help you to get a stable supply of fuel throughout the day for building your muscles.

♦ Taking creatine supplements 45 minutes before doing exercises will provide you with energy. Carbohydrates help in the process of absorbing creartine by muscles and this is why you should choose those products that contain both creatine and carbohydrates. Drinking a glass of juice can play the same role of carbohydrates in the process of absorbing creatine.

♦ Taking creatine supplements 45 minutes before doing exercises will provide you with energy. Carbohydrates help in the process of absorbing creartine by muscles and this is why you should choose those products that contain both creatine and carbohydrates. Drinking a glass of juice can play the same role of carbohydrates in the process of absorbing creatine.

♦ Having whey protein drinks during training helps in rebuilding and repairing the lean muscle tissue in your body.

♦ Having whey protein drinks during training helps in rebuilding and repairing the lean muscle tissue in your body.

♦ Sports drinks that contain protein and carbohydrates are perfect to be drunk during doing exercises since this mixture helps in reducing muscle damage.

♦ Sports drinks that contain protein and carbohydrates are perfect to be drunk during doing exercises since this mixture helps in reducing muscle damage.