Director, Writer
Astoria, NY


  • Bushwick


Working On: Cannes Film Festival for BUSHWICK –


  • Barry the Berry Bear and Abigail Ann, 2015

Barry the Berry Bear and Abigail Ann Luis Landivar - 1

Landivar is the writer, producer, and director of the short about Abigail Ann, who “walks with two canes and moves to her new home deep in the forest. While exploring her new home, Abigail Ann meets Barry the Berry Bear.” IMDB

  • Red Hook Black, 2011

Red Hook Black Luis Landivar - 2

“Luis Landivar’s third film, RED HOOK BLACK, 89 minutes, is a story of two friends, Marco (Kyle Fields) and Damian (James Jackson) one white, one black, former high school football teammates who try to find a place for themselves as men in a neighborhood they no longer recognize Red Hook, Brooklyn.” IMDB

  • Bushwick, 2010

Bushwick Luis Landivar - 3

Writer, director, and producer of this feature film about “the murder and investigation of a runaway Mexican-American teen in the down and out the town of Bushwick, Brooklyn, Det.” IMDB