“Years have gone by… not heard from, nor seen. Destined to KILL. Its…” IMDB

Years ago on a calm, dark night, Dwayne Hopper’s life was shattered when his young son Kyle was abducted from his bedroom and disappeared without a trace. Kyle was the final victim in a string of fourteen local disappearances. Dwayne, his wife Janine and daughter Daisy were forced to abandon hope that he would one day be found.

10 years later…Dwayne remains on the police force, but his family life has crumbled around him. Janine has lost faith in her husband just as Daisy has lost faith in her parents. One fateful night, Dwayne’s suspicions are aroused when he notices striking similarities between a current inmate (Perkins), and the purported culprit behind the abductions.

Upon investigation, Dwayne discovers proof of Perkins’ guilt during a tense search of the suspect’s basement. In a fit of rage, Dwayne kills Perkins, but unbeknownst to him, the fourteen missing victims are very much alive. During captivity, they were dehumanized and trained to kill at random. Perkins’ murder ignites a wave of carnage which sweeps across the entire town, with Dwayne’s own son as one of the marauding psychopaths.

The Hopper family winds up taking refuge in a barricaded police station – but no walls are able to keep pure evil from breaking through. Dwayne and his family are caught up in a terrifying struggle for survival which pits them against a horde of brainwashed, bloodthirsty, “creatures.” Who will survive the night?

 The Making of  

A Slasher Movie with a Twist

Massify’s online community of fans and artists green-lit the story and stars – making Perkins’ 14 the first ever fan-created horror flick. You’ll never forget this horrifying, heartbreaking tale, brought to you by director Craig Singer and After Dark Films.

Finding a Story

Hundreds of filmmakers pitched their ideas for the ultimate horror film. The ViviGeek community chose a story about a man who breeds an army of psycho killers, by aspiring filmmaker Jeremy Donaldson.

Casting its Stars

Online auditions were held on Massify, and videos flooded in. The community first narrowed the field down to 20, and finally to 4 winners: rising stars Josh Davidson, Trey Farley, Katherine Pawlak, and Shayla Beesley.

Picking a Poster

Fright fans know fantastic design when they see it. Justin Osbourn’s old-school design rose above the stiff competition to become the official poster for Perkins’ 14.

Perkins 14 1 Perkins' 14 (2009) - 1

Cast and Crew

  • Writer
    Jeremy Donaldson
    Lane Shadgett
  • Director
    Craig Singer
  • Cast
    Patrick O’Kane
    Richard Brake
    Mihaela Mihut
    Shayla Beesley
    Michale Graves
    Gregory O’Connor
    Katherine Pawlak
    Josh Davidson

Characters of the Movie

  • Dwayne Hopper, “protagonist”

Patrick OKane Perkins' 14 (2009) - 2

  • Ronald Perkins

Richard Brake Perkins' 14 (2009) - 3

  • Janine Hopper

Mihaela Mihut Perkins' 14 (2009) - 4

  • Daisy Hopper

Shayla Beesley Perkins' 14 (2009) - 5


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