By Kenneth Woo

1. Tell us a little about your background and how you came to film?

I mainly come from a music video and commercial background, although I also create short films every now and again. I’ve always had a passion for cinema growing up and watching all sorts of different movies, but it wasn’t until midway through high school I started to take it seriously. With the advent of
digital camcorders (DVX100, Canon XL2, etc), I immersed myself heavily into the digital filmmaking world and started building upon cinematography and editing skills with any project that came my way. I also started to learn more about Adobe After Effects and motion graphics. From there, it just became a career choice for me – I really didn’t want to do anything else but direct, DP, and edit everything from
commercials to music videos and films.

After a year and a half or so of film school, I was hired at a post house based out of Tempe Arizona
where I was mainly shooting and editing commercial/event videos. I eventually moved to a Phoenix news station where I joined their promotions team to shoot and edit promos. At the same time, my producer and I were creating (and still continue to) music videos for artists throughout Arizona.

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Sean Sinerius