Fenugreek, this strong-flavor spice is not only an essential ingredient in many Indian dishes; it also has many health benefits! It also has an undeniable effect on blood sugar; it is also an ingredient in supplements that are sold for this purpose. According to recent studies, fenugreek has an action similar to that of insulin, hence it has a hypoglycemic effect. The small yellow-brown seeds, whose smell reminded by far celery and flavor is bitter, are rich in soluble fiber. The results of an animal study even suggest that fenugreek could prevent overweight, partly by preventing the absorption of calories from fat, an important element in the prevention of diabetes. Therefore, do not hesitate to consume it! Fenugreek leaves are also used in traditional Indian cuisine. They are rich in various compounds useful, but they have not been as well studied as the seeds.

virtues fenugreek

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Premium health and other virtues

Fenugreek seeds provide 1 gram of fiber per 1/ 2c. Tea, which is a lot; These soluble fibers lower cholesterol. They have other health benefits, the compounds they contain natural antioxidants could help prevent damage caused by diabetes.

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Kitchen Tips

Roast the dry seeds in a frying pan to soften their flavor before grinding (use for this purpose a coffee grinder or spice) and using it in cooking to benefit from all their virtues! Be careful not to overcook them: they risk becoming bitter.

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Fenugreek health virtues of the plate

Because of their strong and distinctive flavor, fenugreek seeds are not suitable for all dishes. By cons, they are quite suitable for the following purposes:

  • Add powdered seeds to the bread dough; you will have a deliciously spicy bread.
  • Season your omelet with ground fenugreek seeds, coriander, garlic, cardamom, and cumin for a typical Indian flavor.
  • Put in in lentil dishes. Dahl, an Indian dish of lentils or split peas, would not be complete without them.
    Prepare a curry by following one of the many recipes featured in cookbooks or the Internet; Fenugreek is usually part of the ingredients.
  • Coat chicken with a mixture of fenugreek seeds, cinnamon, ginger, and cumin. You can add turmeric and celery seed. Keep the remaining spice mixture in an airtight container in a cool, sheltered from light.
  • Infuse 1/2 c. tsp fenugreek seeds 5 to 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water, skip this spicy drink and take it to the end of the meal.

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