Walking in the winter without exercise can increase the heart diseases for humans. You have to warm up your body before going out in the cold. You should also wear layers of clothes to be able to walk in cold weather. You should also dress in an outer water-resistant coat to keep your heat in and avoid getting wet. You have to wear socks and tight shoes for your feet. Don’t forget to wear a hat for your hair as well.

Winter outfits

Winter outfits

1 All the clothes you have to wear should be thick enough to keep you warm. After wearing those clothes, you should begin with exercising for 5-10 minutes before walking in the cold weather.

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2 You should bring a bottle of water with you and apply some sunscreen on your face. Start walking slowly to keep your balance. You can also take some hiking sticks with you to avoid falling down.

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3 You should choose the roads without a lot of traffic to avoid getting any kind of accidents as the driver might not be able to see you well in this cold foggy weather.

Special shoes for winter weather

Special shoes for winter weather

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4 You should also avoid or even stop walking on the slippery roads for not getting hurting or falling down and getting your legs or arms broken.

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5 You can also take a light back bag and avoid carrying heavy objects not to fall or lose your stability. You should also extend your arms outside to keep your balance and avoid falling down under any circumstances.

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6 Don’t put your hands in your pockets as doing that would increase the risks of losing your stability on the snow or cold weather. You should also figure out the slippery areas by tapping your foot on them to avoid walking on them.

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Note:  Be sure not to forget to bring gloves for your hands, a scarf for your neck and a hat for your head in case the weather was snowing.

These were some simple and easy tips to walk safely during the winter season. You should ear breathing heavy clothes to feel warm. Warm up a little bit before going out. Don’t forget your gloves, scarf, and hat before going out. Don’t carry heavy objects to avoid the risks of slipping on the street roads.  I wish you good luck and to have a good time. My best wishes.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0owgay_bQs]