A lot of people wonder how to gain fitness by doing exercise. You can practice at home or the gym if you have time. There are a lot of activities you can do at home and would make you healthy and fit. I do some of these exercises myself, and I get my muscles stretched out every time I do them

Exercising at a gym

Exercising at a gym

The first thing you should do is to prepare some important things for working out such as sports suit or comfortable clothes, towel, and sports shoes. You would need these things to change and move freely. As you can’t exercise wearing high heels for example and you would be sweating a lot, so you have to change your formal clothes and wearing a light training suit.

sweat session on equipment pic How to Gain Fitness by Exercising? - 1

At the beginning of the training, you should warm up by doing light exercises such as walking at your place or on a machine if you are at the gym, running and jumping high to strengthen your legs.

Warming up

Warming up

Then you can do some exercises to stretch out your muscles like lying on your back, bending your knees and getting your head up, do this exercise for more times (8-10 times) as it’s for your stomach, neck and your back. I do this by training my self.

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You can also do some other exercises while you are lying down on your back such as lifting hips off the floor while your knees are bent almost 90 degrees, and it’s precisely for your backbone, your knees, and your hips.

Another exercise for the back and hips

Another exercise for the back and hips

There are also some exercises could help you to burn calories such as lifting weights or running a lot. They would make you gain fitness while losing weight as well. But be careful of lifting too much weight on your shoulder as you might get to hurt your muscles.

Lifting weight

Lifting weight

You could also do another useful exercise while standing up, bending on your knee, stretching both of your arms out on your knee to form an L shape as I see it. It is a fantastic exercise for your legs as it helps you to strengthen your legs and your stomach at the same time.

Good exercise for legs and stomach

Good exercise for legs and stomach

Good exercise for legs and stomach

Good exercise for legs and stomach

There is also another old exercise, all of you should probably know. You can do it by lying down on your face and feet as it’s not by lying down on the back but the otherwise. Stretch your hands and feet as possible. Then lift your whole body off the floor by using your abdominals. It’s a very effective training for stretching out all your muscles. Note: You can use your elbows instead of your hands.

A useful exercise for the whole body

A useful exercise for the whole body

Now you have seen many types of exercises for gaining fitness. You can do them at home or even warming up while you are going to the office or any other place (you can go walking or running). They are all easy training can be done by anyone unless someone has a health problem as he should ask his doctor first. I hope these pieces of training would be useful for you to be healthy and fit.